Letting Things Take as Much Time as They Need to Take

In All The Tie Rail, Ground Work, Horsemanship by Eric Ancker

Letting Things Take Time - Bridling Buster
Patience is key. When you work with horses, you have to remember that to do it right, it takes time. Slow down. Watch and listen. Remember that weeks, months, and years should be your time frame, not seconds, minutes, or even days.


Take Buster here. He doesn’t like bridling. Don’t know why. Maybe someone wasn’t very nice to him, but for whatever reason, he’sScreen Shot 2015-08-18 at 9.18.04 PM not keen to put his head down and let someone slip a piece of metal in his mouth. Our only option here is to take it slow. Show him that we’re prepared to let things take as much time as he needs them to take. We’ll push him a little out of his comfort zone, but we’ll also reassure him that he’ll come out the other side unscathed. We’ll let him know he’s safe with us. So how do you take your time? By stopping. Stop what you’re doing when it becomes too much. Back off and give some space. Back off when you see it’s not comfortable and rethink your approach. Take two steps forward and one back. Start over. Try something different. Take some time off. Praise and try again. Let it take as much time as it needs to take.
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